Where We Meet
Tualitin Commons Pond
The Association’s primary facility is a beautiful lake set into a vibrant park with restaurants, shopping and a hotel just south of Portland, in Tualatin.
Westmoreland Casting Pond
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want The Westmoreland Park casting pool offers the perfect facility to run model ships. Just moments away from downtown Portland, the casting pool’s smooth edges, casting platforms and wide surrounding walkways provide plenty of space for pedestrians and modelers alike with a backdrop of tall trees and lush grass and a children’s playground within earshot.
Meeting Room, Tigard Church of God
Our members meet monthly at the Tigard Church of God at 15670 SW 98th Ave, Tigard. While the location is a Church, the meetings have no religious components or discussions.
Our meetings typically handle club business, feature a “How to” or other educational component and a round robin amongst the member sharing details of new projects, show off new boats and share adventures in the model boating world.
For those brand new to the hobby, don’t let these “old salts” fool you, we welcome newbies and thrive on sharing knowledge to help our members.